Contracted ProcessingOutline of Contract Processing

Be-spoke processing

What is contracted processing?

We respond to various customers’ requests on food additive development. We can support throughout the process, from the consultations up to the productization, Consult us.

OEM consignments

With reliable quality, we respond to the changes of the times.
The needs and expectations for food processing getting ever higher due to changes in lifestyle and diversification of eating habits and preferences.
Organo Food-Tech has a proprietary factory equipped with prototype producing equipment prototype equipment for various foods and evaluation equipment, proposing high-quality product development.
We respond to various requests.

Processing contents

production equipment

Package presentation

Various packaging forms
Kraft bags, cardboard boxes, etc., various packaging available.
  • Bulk craft packaging
    Bulk craft packaging
  • Bulk cardboard packaging
    Bulk cardboard packaging
  • 1 kg Poly bag small packaging
    1 kg Poly bag small packaging
  • 500 g Stand pouch packaging
    500 g Stand pouch packaging

Planning and development

quality management

Storage · Shipment

Delivery center
Implement inventory control at its own warehouse. We will ship to the whole country.
  • Delivery center
  • Delivery center
