Site Policy
Site Policy
This website is operated by Organo Food Tech Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). Those who use this website will be regarded to have agreed to the following terms of use.
Please note that this term is subject to change without notice. Please refer to the latest version. Some pages of this site may be linked to a website operated by our affiliate companies. Please confirm the terms of use of each website when in use.
- 1. Disclaimer
- The Company and its affiliated companies do not guarantee the contents posted on this website, and the contents of this website is subject to change without prior notice.
In addition, the Company and its affiliates will not guarantee the function and safety of this website in any way, and we may suspend or cancel the operation of this website without prior notice.
Regardless of the reason, the Company and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages caused by errors, changes or deletion of the contents, malfunction on this website, suspension or discontinuation of the website, etc.
- 2. Intellectual Property Rights
- The rights relating to trade names, trademarks, and marks of the Company, the Company’s affiliated companies or other companies used on this website are protected under the Trademark Law, Unfair Competition Prevention Law and other laws. We cannot use them without obtaining permission from our company, our affiliated company or other companies etc.
- 3. About the link to this website
- To set a link to this website, please go to the top page (
If you would like to link, please contact the “inquiry” form in advance.
We decline firmly to be linked to the websites referred below.
Websites slandering against the Company or affiliated companies, officers, employees or any other companies, individuals or organizations, or damages honor or discredit any of them.
Website containing adult themes
Websites containing themes against public order.
Websites involved in illegal or illegal content or activities with illegal or illegal possibilities
Websites that misleads the viewers to believe that our website is part of their websites, by showing our website within a frame in their websites.
Other Websites that we consider inappropriate.
Regardless of the reason, if you do not comply with our instructions is prohibited.
Also, please delete immediately if we have requested deletion of link from our company.
- 4. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
- Regarding the use of the website and the operation of these terms of use, we will comply with Japanese law unless otherwise specified.
Regarding all disputes relating to this website, Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance unless otherwise stated.
- 5. About link site
- Third party websites (hereinafter referred to as “third party link sites”) other than our affiliates linked to this website are the responsibilities of the companies that manage the websites. The fact that they are linked with this website does not necessarily mean that we have special relationship with these companies or organizations. Nor does it mean that we recommend the content of these third party link sites. In addition, we do not assume any responsibility for the contents or the use of these third party sites.